Word count error in CHINESE
Large Hawk
In the Chinese environment, each character counts as one word, but NC uses more "smart" characters.
For "今天天气非常好,我去吃饭"
Universal version: 11
Explanation: 今天天气非常好 -> 7, 我去吃饭 -> 4
NC version: 6
Description: [今天] [天气] [非常好] -> 3, [我] [去] [吃饭] -> 3
Actually, the NC version divides words into smaller bundles, which makes it more like a bundle = 1 word, which is good. But actually in Chinese, we never use this method to count. That is, we count characters, not words.
(I have set the novel lang to Chinese, the pic 2 words is not "words", they are actually characters without punctuation)
Large Hawk
spaceemotion Investigate that?
Large Hawk: We're close to an update that will allow more experiments/extras like these for other languages. We hope to release it this week.