Codex Character Relations
Aggregate Lungfish
Can we have the option in the character sheet to include the different relations of the characters to each other? Like: Brother, Mother, Father, Cousin, Best Friend, Girlfriend,.... So the AI knows how the characters' relations are.
And with that have a family tree function? Overview of characters and how they relate in a chart.
If it makes little sense, please delete the feature request :D
Mango Amphibian
This would be an Amazing option, and one that could be carried over into my series. Thank you!
Zaffre Dormouse
I would love to have a Relation Detail added to the custom details. one that just allows each individual character to have two feilds in the detail, one that has a text line, for putting in the relation, and another that links to that codex. IE.
Detail Type Relation
This Character is a _________ of {Codex Entry}
This Character is a Younger Sister of person.
this character is a daughter of Person.
it might not be perfect, but it should work,, not sure.
Quicksilver grey Chickadee
I have no idea when I would use it, but it sounds like a nice tool for a 'Game of Thrones' book.
Blush Possum
With a Codex Entry like this, I would appreciate an optional "Revealed In Chapter xx" Option.
So for example, Luke Skywalker being Darth Vader's son is revealed in Chapter 30, the AI would know not to have Darth Vader address Luke as his son before Chapter 30, even though it knows Luke is Darth's son.
Blush Possum: that's what the progressions/additions are for
Flame Wildcat
spaceemotion Might need a better explanation on how that works?
Large Hawk
Flame Wildcat Just "A is B's son, but pretend not to know it before Chapter XXX, now is Chapter YYY"
Tiffany blue Koala
This is a brilliant idea. Thank you for suggesting this feature.
Principal Egret
I think a nice general implementation of this would be to have "joint" codex entries that are provided to the AI whenever two codex entries are both used. So when "Alice" and "Bob" are both in a scene, the AI also sees the "Alice+Bob" entry "Alice hates Bob ever since he killed her pet snake." There are a ton of ways this could be used to add contextual information about people in particular places, distances between places, political relationships, etc.
Quicksilver Boa
This would definitely save me on colored string, note cards, and thumbtacks.
Something like this has been in the works for a while, but it will include quite a lot of features altogether - stay tuned!
Citrine Opossum
I love this idea, but as anyone who's ever used a genealogical app or site knows, unless familiy dynamics are incredibly simple and straightforward, it gets unwieldy almost immediately. I imagine it would be akin to creating an entire genealogical website in the middle of a novel writing app.
But that said, except for maps, there's no other bit of ancillary book material that I love more than family trees that hint at stories and details yet to be revealed.
Citrine Opossum: Yep. I've done another app in the past where i had to scratch such a feature, it was simply impossible to do reverse-relationships due to the many possibilities.
Xanthic Locust
There are two elements to this:
- For the AI to know the relationships between characters, you can just write them in the Codex entry, a la "A is the brother of B", with both A and B being Codex entries. That way the AI knows it, and you can already do this right now.
- A visualisation of a family tree or organigram could be a nice addition to NC – it could potentially even just draw it from existing Codex entries, as in 1. above.
Aggregate Lungfish
Xanthic Locust: Yes, that is what I'm doing. I just think it would be neat to have it as a function in the character entry like tags/labels instead of putting it into the description. This way if something changes you could also edit it more easily and don't have to go back into both characters. I guess it's more a "quality of life" feature request.
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